Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Rejection - It is How You React that Counts

No one likes to be rejected, but we all have to deal with it from time to time.

Writers especially know they can count on rejection. Not every manuscript will make it to publication. Those that do are not necessarily going to become bestsellers. Not all reviews are going to be glowing.

But we can't curl up in a ball and wither away every time rejection knocks at our doors. We have to use that rejection to make our work better. Revise. Rewrite. Get more critiques for our manuscript. After that, sometimes the new manuscript that emerged from rejection will find the right path--the one where our work was meant to be. The right editor, the right publisher, and/or the right reader.

Not everyone will love even our published works--there is rejection even after publication. But when our books and stories find their way to the reviewers and readers who DO love them, we know we have found some direction. At least until we start on the next writing journey.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Sizzling Summer Reads Party!

Play and win awesome prizes!

Check out the prize list! (partial thus far)

My book, Hey, Nobody's Perfect, will be a prize feature on June 12!

Just register at The Romance Reviews (free and easy), log in, and you can enter for fabulous prizes!